sail with equator sailing


Will you sail a regatta? Book a course so that you appear at the start well prepared. We have many years experience in preparing boats and teams for regattas with your own yacht or one of our regatta yachts


We are offering a dedicated team training session. These sessions will be held on our training yachts. Training will be given by experienced certified skipper with multiple years of sailing experience in the regatta circuit.


During the training the following elements will be offered:
  • Deck positions – setting of and training with roles and responsibilities: tactician, helmsman, main sail trim, genoa trim, spi etc.

  • Advanced procedures – spinnaker sailing, advanced main/genoa trim, preparing the boat for starting.

  • Regatta procedures – start, rounding the mark(s), course tactic

contact us

visit us today

If you have any enquiries on the services on our website or need to speak to someone from Equator Sailing, please contact: 


Equator Sailing Ltd. Pte. – 27 Club Street 069413 Singapore